quarta-feira, 13 de abril de 2011


A esta altura do campeonato........At this point
A menos que.......................      .unless (unless you want to)
A toa.............................              for no reason(He's crying for no
a tempo..........................             .in time
A troco de........................       .in exchange for
acabar com alguém..................to put someone down to nothing
Aconteça o que acontecer...........No matter what happens
Ainda bem que......................good thing it didn't rain
Ainda por cima.....................on top of that
Além disso.........................besides that
Alguma vez.........................ever
Aliàs............................     ..by the way
alguma vez.........................even
Ao contrario de....................contrary to
Ao que parece .....................apparently
Ao ritmo de........................to the beat of
Aos cuidados de....................care of
Aos poucos.........................little by little
apesar de..........................despite
Aprender a.........................to learn to
Arregaçar as mangas................it's time to roll up our sleeves
as pressas.........................in a hurry
Assim como.........................like
Assim qur..........................as soon as
Assim que puder....................as soon as one can
até aqui...........................so far
Ate certo ponto....................to a certain extent
ate mesmo..........................ever
ate parece.........................yeah right(yeah right you have money)
ate que enfim......................finally
atraves de.........................through
atualizar..........................to bring something up to date>
bater porta na cara de alguem......to slam the door in someone's face
bater com acabeça..................to hit one's head
Bater o olho em alguem.............to chek someone out
>Bom de cama.......................good in bed
Botar fogo em......................set fire to
botar lenha no fogo................to add fuel to the fire
cair a ficha.......................to get it (NowI got it)
cair fora..........................to take off(I'm going to take off)
certa vez.........................once
chega de...........................no more (no more fighting)
coitado............................poor thing (poor thing,he didn't do anithing)
com relaçao a......................regarding (she didn't say anithing regarding work)
como assim.........................what do you mean (what do you mean he doens't have money
como de costume....................as usual
como se............................as if (he spoke to me as if didn't know me)
custe o que custar.................no matter what it takes
da pra quebrar o galho.............it'll do for now
da pena............................it brake my heart
dqa raiva..........................it makes me angry
da vontade.........................it makes me feel like criyng
daqui a pouco......................in a little while
dar bola...........................to flirt back
dar o cano (bolo)..................to stand someone up
dar pau............................to crash (I was on the internet when it crashed)
dar um fora.........................to dumped (I dumped her)
dar um jeito.......................to do something about
dar um tempo.......................to take a breake
dar uma folheada...................to browse through
dar uma gargalhada.................tu crack up (we started cracking up when she arrived)
dar uma saida......................to step out(she steped out but she'll be right back)
dar-se conta de....................to realise(he realise how rude he is)
dar-se mal.........................to get burned(He got burned)
de braços abertos..................with open arms
de cabeça para baixo...............it was upside down
de cbo a rabo......................from cover to cover
de cima para baixo.................from top to botton
de fato............................if endeed he called,he didn't leave a message
de longe...........................he is by far the best
de sobra...........................do you have a spare coin
de um lado para o outro............it was moving from side to side
de varias formas...................in many different way
deixar alguém na mao...............to leave someone hanging
deixar claro.......................to make it clear
daixar pra la......................never mind
desde que..........................as long as (you may go as long as you get in early)
desdee que.........................since
deve ser...........................must be
do meu lado........................on my side
é bem por ai.......................you're on the right (I don't know if that's quite,but...
é o seguinte.......................here's the thing(
e olhe là..........................if that
é pra jà...........................you got it
em breve...........................coming up
em jejum...........................on the empty sthomach
em vao.............................in vain
estar em pé........................to stand (is your offer still stand)
estar enrolando alguem.............to be messing around with someone (I think they're ...)
estar ferrado......................to be screwed(If they find out,we're all screwed)
esteja onde estiver................no matter where you are,I'll be thinking of you
faz parte..........................that's life(Well that's life,right?)
faz tempo..........................it's been a while
fazer a matricula..................to enroll
fazer as malas.....................to pack my bags
fazer as pazes.....................to make up (I made up after the fight)
fazer de conta que.................to pretend that
fazer hora.........................pass the time(I'm just here passing the time)
fazer hora extra..................to work overtime
fazer lembrar de uma coisa........to remind one of something
fazer questao.....................to make it a point
ficar arrasado....................to be devastated
ficar com pena de alguem..........to feel sorry for someone
ficar de olho.....................to have my eye on somebody
ficar de quatro...................to fall head over heels
ficar dividido....................to be torn
ficar enrolando...................to beat around the bush
ficar magoado.....................to be hurt
ficar na sua......................to keep to one's self
ficar vermelho....................to blush (Stop! I'm going to blush)
fora de lugar.....................out of place
fora de ordem.....................out of order
fora de alcance...................out of reach
fora isso.........................aside from that
aja o que houver..................no matter what I'm here for you
isto é............................that is(That is,he never wants to marry
juizo heim!.......................Be good!
logo de cara......................straight away
logo depois.......................right after
longe de ser......................far from
longe disso.......................far from it
me toquei.........................it hit me
me poupe..........................spare me
menos mal.........................good thing
mesmo assim.......................still
mexer com.........................mess with(nao mexe comigo)
na hora...........................right away
nada a ver........................that has nothing to with
nada como.........................nothing like
nao adianta.......................it's no use talking to him,he is going to refuse anyway.
nao aguentar......................I'm not able to take this cold
nao dar bola......................don't even pay attention to him
nao estou nem ai..................I don't care
nao foi nada......................no need to thank,it was nothing
nao ligar.........................do not bother
nao me leve a mal.................don't get me wrong,but you...
nao quero nem pensar..............I don't even want to think about
nao se toca.......................She doesn't like him and he doesn't get it
nao suportar......................I can't stand music techno
nao vejo a graça..................I don't see what is so funny
nao vejo a hora...................I can't wait to see her again
nem pensar........................don't even think about it
nem mais nem menos................neither more nor less
nem um pouco......................ho didn't like it at all
nisso.............................and then
no fundo..........................deep down,he doesn't like him
nota-se...........................you can tell he's brasilian
numa boa..........................to be set(Now he's set)
olha sò...........................How about that...how interesting
ou seja...........................in other words
para variar.......................for a change,he went to the bar
pegar leve........................take it easy
pegar no pé.......................to always be after someone(He's always after me)
pelo amor de Deus.................for god's save
pelo bem de.......................I did it for her sake
pelo jeito........................apparently
pelo menos........................at least
pisar na bola.....................to blow it (They blew it and the police arested them)
pode deixAR.......................you got it
por algum acaso...................by any chance,have you see my keys
por enquanto......................for now
por isso..........................that's why I don't go
por outro lado....................on the other hand
quando voce quiser................whenever you want
quanto antes......................as soon as possible
quanto antes melhor...............the sooner the better
quanto mais.......................the more...the more
quanto menos......................the less...the less
quanto voce quiser................as much as you want
quantos voce quiser...............as many as you want
que bom que.......................I'm glad
que chato.........................what boring
que demora........................it's take so long
que foi?..........................what's wrong?
que gracinha......................how cute
que inveja........................I'm sou jealous
que pena..........................to bad
que sacanagem.....................that's mean!
que vergonha......................what embarrassing!
se Deus quizer....................god willing
se por acaso......................if by chance
segundo...........................accoding to
seja quem for.....................nomatter who they are
sem duvida........................for sure
sem estresse......................stress-free
sem vergonha......................shameless
sempre que........................whenever
sentir se culpado.................to feel guilty
serà que..........................do you think
serve............................  .will do
sou suspeito......................of course I would say that
tanto quanto.....................as far as...
ter confiança em alguém.....I don't have a lot of confidence in her
ter em mente......................to keep in mind
ter fama de.......................people say that LA is dangerous
ter juizo........................   .I'm good
ter mania de......................to have a thing about
ter muito pique...................to have a lot of energy
ter vontade de....................to feel like
tim tim por tim tim...............point for point
tipo o que?.......................like what?
tirar o folego....................to take my breath away
tirar o sarro....................  .to make fun of someone
todo mundo......................eveyone
tomar uma atitude.............to take action
tomara que........................hopefully
um monte de.......................a bunch of (She was carring a bunch of book)
por vàrias vezes..................again and again
logo que.........................  .once
valer a pena......................to be worth(Do you think it's worth wait so long)
vamos nessa.......................let's do it!
voce que sabe....................it's up to you